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What is the Best Keyboard for Gaming?                                      

   Many Gamers especially Pro Gamers always wanted what is the Best Gaming Keyboard on the Market for a Specific game? Especially on FPS(First Person Shooter)Games where as a regular or a Pro Players needs the satisfaction that there is no input delay or a Smooth Feeling on how they press keys on a Keyboard

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    Gamers are very choosy in terms of picking a Gaming Mouse that soothes on their Game Because of many factors  like mouse DPI (standard used to measure the mouse sensitivity), CPS (Clcik Per Sec)

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What is the Best Headset for Gaming?

    What is the Best Gaming Headset are you looking For? I list my 5 best gaming headset you guys can choose from. For every gamers who really wanted to hear the best audible quality sounds coming from any games especially those shooting games where you need to hear everything from the sound of the loadouts of your opponent where it came from and from the footsteps of the other team whose hiding from you to take advantage of your gaming plan. as a Pro gamer even as a regular we need the best sounds for our game to experienceand hear the best sound of the game in which you can really feels that your inside the game and make your gaming strategy more accurate because of the quality of the sound which transmit to your gaming headset.

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  Todays we all now that we are facing a fast technology in gaming because of many games that need the best graphics card for a heavy game like Call of Duty Warzone where you need a reliable and best gaming experience using the best graphics card or GPU

        This is my top 5 list of the best graphics card that you choose from that's suits your gaming experience.

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 We all know as a Gamer, we are aware that our gameplay depends on our gaming environment choosing the best place especially the best gaming chair that makes our self more comfortable and relax during a long game livestream. This is why im making this blog to list the Top Gaming Chair you can choose from that you can sits on during your long Game Livestream.

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How to Use Keyboard and Mouse to Play Any Games on Playstation 4 ?

Hello Gamers, I just wanted to share with you guys how I played on my PS4 using keyboard and mouse in any games on ps4 especially FPS games or third person shooting games where you can use keyboard and mouse instead of your DS4 if  your preferred playing your keyboard and mouse for competitive online gaming wherein cross platform is applicable on online games like Call of Duty Warzone in which players you played not only using a PS4 console but also other platform like Gaming PC and Xbox Consoles.

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